Monday, January 8

Rhombic Skaapstekers from Mfezi

Don Schultz over at has some Rhombic Skaapstekers (Psammophylax rhombeatus) available right now. In fact he has a single large pair. While this blog is mostly about House Snakes I have a lot of interest in any lesser known snakes, specificly those out of Africa.

If you have an interest in Psammophylax you may want to get in touch with Don strait away. Far as I know he has only one pair available and to make it even better I think they are a proven pair of breeders.

The photo above is of a juvenile Rhombic Skaapsteker as I don't currently have any pictures of an adult. Rhombic Skaapstekers are a is a very active species of snake that will pursue its prey instead of just waiting in ambush.

Its diet includes lizards, frogs, rodents and even other snakes. The females stay with the eggs and guard them by coiling around them. They are called Skaapstekers (sheep biters) because of the old belief that they bit sheep, which of course there was no truth to.

Don currently also has a good inventory of Brown House Snakes out of Tanzania and Captive Bred Cape House Snakes, (capes are commonly called "zululand" in the pet trade) available.

~ Jack Spirko

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a difficult man to contact. LOL. I just spent the past 30 mins trying to find an email address or SOME kind of contact information. lol. I would REALLY like to talk with you about lamprophis. Especially about trying to get my group of 6 properly identified. I've contacted Mr. Schultz at Mfenzi and sent him photos, but I guess he isn't very good at telling the ssp apart aside from the very obvious, and was at a loss. Anyhow, PLEASE drop me a line, you can find my contact info through my website, as well as photos of my various lamprophis.